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Types of Membership 

Individual Share (Regular Proprietary) – owned by natural or juridical persons
Corporate Share – owned by a company
Playing Rights – an individual person renting a share owned by the club


Corporate Assignees – directors, officers, stockholders or members of the corporation as evidenced by a Secretary’s Certificate stating his/her appointment.
Regular Assignees – an individual whose membership privileges are assigned by a Regular Proprietary Member. He/She may also be appointed as Proxy by the Regular Proprietary Member. As Proxy, he/he will represent the Regular Proprietary Member during his/her tenure as a Regular Assignee or for five years, whichever comes first, in all meetings of the Club, including the power to vote, as may be required by the board.

General Rule in Transferring Shares

The Club observes the following manner of transferring shares:Regular Share to an individual  person
Corporate Share to a corporation (whether partnership or single proprietorship)

Definition of Guest

Accompanied Guest – guest as accompanied by a member 
Unaccompanied/Sponsored Guest – guest with Letter of Introduction from the sponsoring member


Members who wish to sponsor guest/s to use Club facilities must secure a Letter of Introduction form the Membership Office. Original copy of the Letter of Introduction shall be required for all sponsored guest/s prior the issuance of Guest Card. Said letter may also be sent via fax or e-mail, provided that it bears the signature of the sponsoring member.
In the event of non-payment of the account by the guest, the member shall be held liable for such charges to the Club.


Monthly Membership Dues – Php 2,500.00 monthly dues and Php 500.00 monthly consumable. The Php 500.00 monthly consumable is cumulative quarterly. Any unutilized consumable will be billed to the member quarterly. 
Membership Card – Php 75.00/card
One-day Card – Php 25.00/card
Processing Fee for Regular Assignee – Php 5,000.00, payable to Valle Verde Country Club, Inc. 
Processing Fee for Corporate Assignee – Php 5,000.00, payable to Valle Verde Country Club, Inc.
Admission Fee for Regular Assignee – Php 20,000.00, payable to Valle Verde Country Club, Inc.
Annual Playing Rights Fee (applicable to Regular Assignees) – Php 5,000.00, payable to Valle Verde Country Club, Inc., subject to a notarized renewal of assignment from the Regular Proprietary Member
Security Deposit – Php 10,000.00, payable to Valle Verde Country Club, Inc., refundable upon the termination of assignment, subject to clearance from the Accounting & Finance Department.
Guest Card – Php 50.00/day per sponsored guest 
Minimum Consumable – Php 300.00/day per persons

Membership Application Process


NOTE: The Membership Office shall confirm the schedule of interview once all requirements for application for membership are completed.

Requirement(s) for transfer of Regular Proprietary Share

For Regular Transfer and Transfer to Immediate Heir
Application Form for Membership with an endorsement from two VVCCI Proprietary Members (application forms are pre-numbered. You may secure forms from the Membership Office)
Notarized Deed of Sale or Donation (depending what type of transaction)
Original Stock Certificate of the Resigning Member (duly endorsed)
Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) , Documentary Stamp Tax Certificate and Capital Gains Tax Clearance and Receipt
Clearance from the Accounting Department of VVCCI
Payment of transfer fee amounting to:
For immediate heir: Php 12,500.00
For third party: Php 25,000.00

Old membership cards of the resigning member and his/her dependents (if available)
Copies of two valid IDs of the applicant
Two copies of passport size photos of the applicant
One copy of 1×1 photos of the dependents of the applicant

Marriage Certificate of applicant (if applicable)
Birth Certificate(s) of the dependents (if applicable)
Specimen Signature Card 

Additional Requirement(s) for Transfer of Share of a Deceased Member to Immediate Heir

Last Will and Testament
In the absence of a Last Will and Testament, Extrajudicial Settlement as to who will be the succeeding heir (original or certified true copy from the original)
Notarized Waiver of Rights from the other heirs (should the Extrajudicial Settlement does not specify a particular person who will inherit the share)
Estate Tax Return from the BIR
Death Certificate of the Deceased Member

Requirement(s) for Transfer of Corporate Share

Application Form for Membership with an endorsement from two VVCCI Proprietary Members (application forms are pre-numbered. You may secure forms from the Membership Office) 
Notarized Deed of Sale 
Original Stock Certificate of the Resigning Corporate Member
Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) , Documentary Stamp Tax Certificate and Capital Gains Tax Clearance and Receipt
Clearance from the Accounting Department of VVCCI
General Information Sheet of the company applying for membership
Articles of Incorporation and SEC Registration of the company applying for membership
Board Resolution or Secretary’s Certificate designating the company’s authorized representative to buy a share in VVCCI and apply for membership
Payment of transfer fee amounting to Php 50,000.00
Old membership cards of the assignees of the resigning Corporate Shareholder (if available)
Copies of two valid IDs of the authorized representative of the company applying for membership
Two copies of pasport size photos of the authorized representative
Specimen Signature Card 

Requirement(s) for Regular and Corporate Assignees

Application Form for Membership with an endorsement from two VVCCI Proprietary Members (application forms are pre-numbered. You may secure forms from the Membership Office) 
Two Copies (original) of Notarized Deed of Assignment 
Payment of the following (annually): 
Processing Fee for Regular Assignee:    Php 5,000.00
Processing Fee for Corporate Assignee: Php 5,000.00 
Admission Fee for Regular Assignee: Php 20,000.00
Copies of two valid IDs of the applicant
Two copies of passport size photos of the applicant
One copy of 1×1 photos of the dependents of the applicant
Marriage Certificate of applicant (if applicable) 
Birth Certificate(s) of the dependents (if applicable)
Specimen Signature Card

Additional Requirement(s) for Regular Assignee

Photocopy of the Stock Certificate of the Individual Shareholder/Assignor 
Photocopy of the Membership Card of the Individual Shareholder/Assignor

Additional Requirement(s) for Corporate Assignee

Board Resolution or Secretary’s Certificate designating the applicant as assignee of the Corporate Shareholder, with a clause stating that the company and the assignee will be jointly and severally liable to VVCCI for all accounts incurred by the representative