• Regular Proprietary Share (Individual) – share owned by natural or juridical persons
  • Corporate Proprietary Share – share owned by a company

*Playing Rights – rights given to an individual person renting a share

Regular Assignees An individual whose membership privileges are assigned by a Regular Proprietary Member. He/She may also be appointed as Proxy by the Regular Proprietary Member. As Proxy, he/she will represent the Regular Proprietary Member during his/her tenure as a Regular Assignee or for five years, whichever comes first, in all meetings of the Club, including the power to vote, as may be required by the board.

Corporate Assignees Directors, officers, stockholders or members of the corporation as evidenced by a Secretary’s Certificate stating his/her assignment.

The Club observes the following manner of transferring shares:

  • Regular Share to an individual person
  • Corporate Share to a corporation (whether partnership or single proprietorship)
  • Accompanied Guest – guest as accompanied by a Member.
  • Unaccompanied/Sponsored Guest – guest with Letter of Introduction from the sponsoring member. (TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED)

Guidelines: Members who wish to sponsor guest/s to use the Club facilities must secure a Letter of Introduction form the Membership Office. Original copy of the Letter of Introduction shall be required for all sponsored guest/s prior to the issuance of Guest Card. Said letter may also be sent via fax or e-mail, provided that it bears the signature of the sponsoring member. In the event of non-payment of the account by the guest, the member shall be held liable for such charges to the Club.

  • Monthly Membership Dues
Php 2,500.00 plus

Php 500.00 monthly consumable

The Php 500.00 monthly consumables not used for 3 months will be forfeited.
  • Membership Card
Php 100.00/card
  • One-day Card
Php 25.00/card
  • Processing Fee (Regular Assignee)
Php 5,000.00
  • Processing Fee (Corporate & Individual Assignee)
Php 10,000.00
  • Admission Fee for Regular Assignee
Php 50,000.00
  • Renewal Fee
Php 10,000
      • Transfer Fee (Regular Transfer)
Php 50,000.00
      • Transfer Fee (Immediate Family)
      • Transfer Fee (Corporate)
Php 100,000.00
Annual Playing Rights Fee
(Applicable to Regular Assignees) Php 5,000.00 subject to a notarized renewal of assignment from the Regular Proprietary Member
  • Security Deposit
Php 10,000.00, refundable upon the Termination of Assignment and is subject to clearance from the Accounting & Finance Department
  • Guest Card
Php 50.00/day per sponsored guest
  • Minimum Consumable
Php 300.00/day per sponsored guest (F&B only)

All Applicants for membership (Regular Proprietary/Corporate Membership, Individual Assignee and Corporate Assignee), applicants name will be posted at  the Club’s Bulletin Board for 30 consecutive days and will be scheduled for interview thereafter. The Membership and Communication Department will certify that the said applicants have complied with all the requirements for membership and will be elevated to the Membership Committee to give its recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval. Opening and Closing of account for concerned parties will be simultaneous and upon approval of the Board of Directors.

Note: The Membership & Communications Office shall confirm the schedule of interview upon submission of requirements.

  1. The Club does not assume any responsibility for the safety of members, dependents, and guests using the club facilities, nor be liable to loss or damage of their property while in the Club.
  2. Members, dependents, and guests must not deface any property of the Club. The replacement value of any property broken or damaged by member, dependents or guest will be charged accordingly.
  3. Members shall be held responsible for the conduct and for all expenses of his dependents and guests at the Club. Guest may not avail of the facilities of the Club if not accompanied or sponsored by a member.
  4. Pets are not allowed within the Club.
  5. Members, dependents and guests shall not be allowed to bring in food or beverages for consumption within the Club premises, except with prior approval of the Club Management and payment of corresponding corkage fees.
  6. No expelled member may be re-introduced as guest or re-apply for membership.
  7. The conduct of members, dependents and guests in the Club premises will be such as expected of Ladies and Gentlemen on all occasions.
  8. Prudence must be exercised by members and dependents in bringing in guests who may not be within acceptable norms of society.
  9. Only Club notices may be placed on the Club Bulletin Board. Personal notice may not be posted without prior approval by Club Management.
  10. Club premises may not be used for the purpose of soliciting or collecting subscriptions or funds, or obtaining signatures for any political or religious purposes.
  11. Only parlor games may be played in the Club premises. Gambling and related games shall not be permitted at any time.
  12. Carrying of firearms is not permitted in the Club premises except by Club security personnel or uniformed police or military personnel while on duty. Firearms must be deposited with the Security Guard posted at the Club entrances.
  13. Members, dependents and guests who are under the influence and/or in possession of liquor or prohibited drugs will not be allowed to access the Club.
  14. The Club reserves the right to refuse entry to or eject from Club premises, any person whom the Board of Directors has declared to be persona non-grata or found to be socially unacceptable.
  15. A member who finds his chits forged or altered must report the matter to the Club Manager immediately. The Club shall not entertain report on forged on forged or altered chits 30 days after receipt of statement.
  16. Skateboard, roller skates, playing ball and other conduct that is dangerous or disturbing is not allowed at the Lanai or member’s areas.